2014-12-10    作者:    來源:新華道瓊斯手機(jī)報(bào)
    BP fails in challenge to Gulf oil spill compensation
  BP’s hopes of limiting the cost of compensation for its 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico have been dealt a severe blow by the US Supreme Court, which has refused to hear the case over what the UK oil company has described as unjustified payments.As a result of this refusal, the cost of the settlement BP agreed in 2012 to compensate victims of the spill is expected to rise above the $9.7bn the company has set aside in its accounts.
  英國石油(BP)減少2010年墨西哥灣漏油事件賠償費(fèi)用的希望遭到美國最高法院(US Supreme Court)的沉重打擊,該法院拒絕審理這家英國企業(yè)所稱的不合理支付的案子。這一事態(tài)意味著,BP在2012年同意賠償漏油事件受害者的和解成本,預(yù)計(jì)將超過該公司在賬目上預(yù)留的97億美元。
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